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Manufacture and Sale of Laminated Plaster Profiling

To complete the dry construction range, Panelais Producciones has a wide variety of Profiled Laminated Plaster for partitions, backfilling, directly fixed or suspended continuous false ceilings, and accessible false ceilings. We make Profiled Laminated Plaster in galvanized steel sheet from 0.35 mm to 0.70 mm thick at our facilities in Huerta, Salamanca.

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Direct Continuous Ceilings

Continuous Suspended False Ceilings

Accessible False Ceilings

Partitions and backfills

To complete the dry construction range, Panelais Producciones has a wide variety of Profiled Laminated Plaster for partitions, backfilling, directly fixed or suspended continuous false ceilings, and accessible false ceilings.

We make Profiled Laminated Plaster in galvanized steel sheet from 0.35 mm to 0.70 mm thick at our facilities in Huerta, Salamanca.

For partitions, we have Risers and Channels, with Omega profiles for backfilling.

For directly fixed continuous false ceilings, we have TC 47 Profiles, and the corresponding SPER 47 and SPER 45/60 fastenings for suspended continuous false ceilings, and of course L-Angled Profiles to finish edges and corners

We also have a system of profiles, fastenings and accessories for accessible false ceilings, T24 Clip Profiles and L-Angled Profiles to finish edges and corners, all painted white.

Profiled Laminated Plaster is usually used together with plasterboard sheets, but also as a secondary structure for any interior or exterior cladding. The most frequent uses of Profiled Laminated Plaster in building are:

  • As a support for laminated plasterboard sheets in partitions and false ceilings.
  • As a secondary structure for any interior or exterior cladding on façades, interior walls and ceilings

All our laminated plaster profiles comply with AENOR standards.

Can’t find a profile or any accessory in Profiled Laminated Plaster that you want? Contact us and one of our sales force will attend you personally and help you find the solution to your project!

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